Kali ini saya akan share Software untuk mengamanka folder, software ini sangat bagus untuk anda yang mempunyai privasi tinggi.
Key Features:
-Unlimited number of folders can be protected.
-Intuitive & easy-to-use interface.
-NTFS, FAT32 and FAT volumes supported.
-Implements 256-bit AES to encrypt files.
-Effective password protection.
-System Cleaner, File shredder, Virtual Drive.
-Uninstalling will not uncover locked folders.
-Windows Explorer integration.
-Supports Drag & Drop.
-Live update.
-Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7
Minimum Requirement: .NET Framework 2.0
Version Details:
Version: 5.7
Screenshot :
Release Date: 10th-December-2011
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Home » Tips dan trik » Mengamankan Folder Dengan Secure Folder
Mengamankan Folder Dengan Secure Folder
di postingkan oleh RF on Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011
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Tips dan trik
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nanaonan sia??
si rauf/... jawwa jassa.... udah terkenal dkrng mah...!!
ada" aja loe... :D
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